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Pastor Mark's Blog


Christmas message 2012

December 24, 2012

Kala Christougenna! From the Greek, Merry Christmas! People are excited about this birth all across the globe tonight.There’s been a lot of talk about this royal birth and how we will celebrate it. It’s captured the imagination of 100’s of millions of people. A young couple whose first born will be the ruler of a kingdom. Kate will give birth to a royal heir of England with William the proud father.This story has been given more press, more attention, than the one we observe tonight, tomorrow and the 12 day season of Christmas.Another young couple awaited a birth of a baby, but instead of a palace setting it was in a lowly manger where. Mary & Joseph awaited the birth of their first born. Despite these humble beginnings he is born the king of kings, lord of lords.He’s born homeless and becomes homeless once again as an adult. He’s the last person most people would give their gifts to on Christmas. Without him there is no Christmas, because he’s Christmas.He’s unlike any royal and his kingdom isn’t built on power and prestige. He’s the prince of peace, and that’s Not Good News, Gospel, to all.... [More]
Posted at: 04:24 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS

Glenn Beck is "anti" progressive Christians - April 2010

June 23, 2010

If you follow the Colbert Report & the Daily Show or read the Christian Century, you're aware of  the Glenn Beck (Fox news) screed from March 2nd 2010: "I beg you, look for the words 'social justice' or 'economic justice' on your church website. If you find it, run as fast as you can. Social/Economic justice they are code words (ideas espoused by Nazis and Communists). Now, am I people to leave their church? Yes."                                                                                                                                                                                                    Bread for the World, Rev. Jim Wallis (Sojourners) and other progressive Christians have renounced Glenn for his comments. His past nonsensical tirades and rants have been fodder for numerous commentaries.                                                                                                                                                                                   I pray that this latest diatribe will elicit a backlash from progressive Christians in every quarter.                                                                                                                                                                                           Many pastors, including myself, have been saying it before Colbert made it his catch phrase, so along with Stephen let me say: That's the Word! 

Posted at: 01:09 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink RSS

The power of the Word

June 23, 2010

 In 2008 I watched on TV an interview with Pastor Crefflo (sp.) Dollar, a Televangelist with a mega church (over 10,000 members) who preaches on how God will bless you financially and how it will always work out that way for everyone who believes. He and Benny Hinn were among a number of pastors under investigation by the U.S. congress. In the interview Crefflo said "my church members gave me my Rolls Royce (automobile) as a gift (it's a blessing from God). I'm not giving it back because of the investigation by congress." Pastor Joel Osteen (televangelist) also preaches a message of financial blessing upon God's people who believe - no matter who they are or what their circumstances. Richard Roberts, son of Oral Roberts (televangelist and OR University founder) has stepped down from leading the ORU ministry amidst allegations of mishandling over $50 million of ministry funds.                                                                                                                                                    The Religious News Service and The Christian Century reported on these words in 2007:"I'm not necessarily saying it's going to be nuclear. The Lord didn't say nuclear. But I do believe it will be something like that."- TV evangelist Pat Robertson's prediction (based upon what God had told him) that terrorists would attack... [More]
Posted at: 01:06 PM | Permalink RSS

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