The Word

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I'm a former ELCA pastor who has been an ELCIC pastor in Toronto Canada the past 5 years. As a US citizen working in Canada I've had a unique perspective on both countries. Having served in 2 different Lutheran Church bodies I have a certain perspective on both churches and progressive Lutherans in general. I'm a progressive feminist Lutheran male pastor who owns The Green Bible, uses inclusive language (ELCIC guidelines) in worship, loves good beer, a fine Cuban cigar and a nip of Jack Daniels (invented by Lutheran Pastor Dan Call), the Minnesota Vikings, St. Olaf alum (Um Ya Ya) and am a fan of Luther, MLK Jr., Gandhi, Martin Marty, Jackson Katz and Barbara MacHaffie to name a few.

What does a pastor do on Easter?

Like Christmas Eve and Thanksgiving, Easter is a working day for me. Unlike store or theater employees who have to work, I'm fortunate to work on "holy" days and share a cogent message that is both challenging and hopeful, comforting the afflicted and afflicting the comfortable. 

This Easter, 2010, we bookended Shrove Tuesday Pancakes with my wife and me, along with a couple of chefs from our church, serving up "cakes hot off the griddle" to 1/2 of our worshipping members. Organic mix, eggs milk & beer (beer batter pancakes) with toppings and real maple syrup started the day off in tasty style. Normally, Easter is a bit busy for me to do this, but with our Sunday School Puppet Drama and song, which meant that I preached an Easter homily, it was the most enjoyable Easter I've experienced to date.  For the Homily, I related the story of Jurgen Moltmann’s transformation, while a POW, into a disciple of Christ - via a YMCA run camp and a New Testament given to him by a US Army Chaplain. The story of this influential Christian theologian is a perfect fit for Easter morning, given his commentary on Easter: Easter Sunday is the beginning of the “laughter of the redeemed,” it is “God’s protest against death.” I coupled this reference with Prof. Craig Koester's (Luther Seminary) comments on Easter morning: Easter blessings!


The non e-mail SPAM

Born & raised in Austin, MN I visit the SPAM museum whenever I visit my hometown. While not a shill who plugs for Hormel, the museum is my all time favorite in regard to kitsch. At least I'm not wearing my SPAM shirt and other paraphernalia. You'll have to forgive me this indulgence. A little kitsch goes a long way.Cool

What does a pastor do the rest of Easter Sunday?

Easter 2010 - Our worship attendance was one of the largest in a decade so suffice to say it was a busy Easter Morning. So, what does the pastor, pastor spouse & church cat do the rest of the day. Check out my Easter 2010 photos for a glimpse of before, during and after Easter worship.

CROP Walk photo of me & my spouse